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A Cypriot company operating in biotechnology, designing and developing innovative, portable, biosensor-based digital devices for rapid diagnostics is looking for partner from the AI field and Indoor air quality to join a consortium under EUROSTAR call for projects September Program - 2023 – call – 5.
Consortium partners are from Cyprus, Hungary and Italy. The consortium is looking for a potential partner from the AI field and Indoor air quality who will have the responsibility of one of the Working Packages of the project (WP5) for building AI prediction model. Partner will be the WP Leader. The expected activities under this WP are the development of the AI prediction model where IoT sensors will be used for the real-time monitoring of the environmental air parameters in the hospital, plus adding other input data such as ventilation system, airborne disease history of the hospital, data from the risk assessment etc., which shall be integrated in the model.
Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDRCY20230904007
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Per pubblicare la vostra ricerca partner nel database della rete Enterprise Europe Network è possibile contattare l’ente di riferimento della rete EEN. Qualora localizzati in Emilia-Romagna potete contattare ART-ER all’indirizzo e-mail simpler@art-er.it