A German company will act as a coordinator of a European project aimed at a further developing of Photonic Jet applications. The consortium has identified the call EIC-FTI-2018-2020. Joint research and development of application scenarios for the Photonic Jet technology by partners from industry is planned as part of the project. Participations of large enterprises as associated partners in order to develop further Photonic Jet technology are welcome.
- Type and role of partners sought: Companies, preferably SME, which need a laser technology for processing or marking (e.g. semiconductors or metals) with sub-µm resolution, acting as an "end user"
Per ulteriori informazioni finalizzate ad attivare una partnership, segnaliamo che è possibile:
- scrivere all'indirizzo e-mail simpler@aster.it, se localizzati nella regione Emilia-Romagna
- individuare l'ente di riferimento per la propria regione sul sito ufficiale di Enterprise Europe Network, se localizzati in altre regioni d'Italia riportando, in ogni caso, il codice: RDDE20180713001