The SME is developing affordable alternatives to the ICE for general aviation and commercial regional transportation aircraft. They are developing electric propulsion systems that include electric motors, batteries and control electronics all in one package designed to be retrofitted into a range of existing aircraft. This retrofitting electrification technology provides a cost effective, environmentally friendly solution for owners and operators of light regional aircraft. The SME has developed novel battery module architecture (TRL 6) that enables 25% higher energy density levels while providing multiple layers of redundancy and other safety features. The battery pack contains a bespoke battery management system that continuously monitors each battery cell. By utilising custom high-performance materials, the battery modules themselves can withstand full cell thermal runaway. Over the last five years, the SME has accessed funding and investment enabling the company to gain valuable expertise in related technologies, regulation and market sector.
The UK company has engaged with stakeholders and manufacturers both in the UK and abroad to start addressing the challenges created by current generation battery weight, safety and thermal management. The company aims to join consortia with partners who are leading a bid with plans to develop complimentary technologies which benefit the sector and environment.
Ideal partners will have aligned objectives, sector expertise, distribution capability and a passion for delivering net zero. The UK SME’s operations, capabilities, features, and networks can be leveraged to develop a solution which prioritises safety, regulation and end-user to build new mobility ecosystems.
Joint applications under other EU funding instruments (DUT partnership, Eurostars and EIC Accelerator) are welcomed to create additional opportunities.
Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDRGB20240717015
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