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The subject of the project is the scalable sustainable process for hydrogen peroxide production, a goal is to develop a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 sub-sized prototype process, while the integration of hydrogen could be to combustion, as well as directly to production, so as to benchmark operation.

Hydrogen peroxide production can be considered as one of 2–3 demos, which are to be expected to be covered within the framework of proposal, whereas comparative technological advantage to be assessed is the use of (a part of) hydrogen directly as a reactant, adding up to the potential of mere fuel replacement, which will be demonstrated.
The team is looking for following partners:
- The partners with (high TRL) hydrogen expertise: electrolysis, burners, engineering...
- Other demo sites, interested to partner up, setting up a consortium
- Potential hydrogen community stakeholders, interested to take on coordination

The team is looking forward to cooperate with the partners or a consortium on this specific topic, whereas the options of collaboration are flexible – ideally, Slovenian prototype process would be one of many, coordinated in orchestra, while the lead is not yet irrevocably selected.

Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17: Integration of hydrogen for replacing fossil fuels in industrial applications (Processes4Planet Partnership) (IA)

Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDSI20211115001


Per ottenere ulteriori informazioni finalizzate ad attivare una partnership, segnaliamo che è possibile:

  • se localizzati in Emilia Romagna, compilare il modulo per manifestare il proprio interesse e spedirlo all'indirizzo e-mail simpler@art-er.it
  • se localizzati in altre regioni d'Italia, individuare l'ente di riferimento per la propria regione sul sito ufficiale di Enterprise Europe Network riportando, in ogni caso, il codice di riferimento.

Per pubblicare la vostra ricerca partner nel database della rete Enterprise Europe Network è possibile contattare l’ente di riferimento della rete EEN. Qualora localizzati in Emilia-Romagna potete contattare ART-ER all’indirizzo e-mail simpler@art-er.it 

Data chiusura
Unione Europea