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The increasing move towards a digital economy yields many benefits for Europe, including increased competitiveness, labour mobility, employment opportunities, and opening new fields for business. However, to what extent are local governments willing to utilise youth as a resource, and use their solutions as part of regional digital development policies? What role can young people play in innovating their regions and cities?

The winter [Y] Factor conference 2016 (27th of January) will be focused on this key question. The event will bring together young people, local authorities and the young entrepreneurs for an interactive discussion on two key issues:

  • Young Entrepreneurs and Local and Regional Authorities: how to play together?
  • Young Generation and Smart Cities: how can big data drive innovation?

The speakers together with the participants will be discussing an added value of start-ups to local and regional communities and the barriers that young entrepreneurs face in their regions and cities. What is a 'Smart City' and how can we use big data to drive innovation? These and other related issues will be the crucial topic of the conference.

The [Y] Factor 2016 event proposes an innovative and highly interactive format, with a view to produce valuable input on topics discussed. Both topics will begin with a talk from experts, followed by a floor discussion and feedback between experts and participants. This format allows a more inclusive and engaging method of sharing best practice, recommendations and information relevant to the participants.

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Unione Europea