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The leading French company SOLNIL is a spin-off of Aix-Marseille University created in 2020 during the FET OPEN NARCISO project (concluded on 31st Jan. 2023). As such, SOLNIL is entitled to apply to the EIC Transition project in 2024. Beyond the Transition call, its team is also keen to apply also to the EIC Pathfinder Challenge call.

SOLNIL’s main activity is nano-fabrication of photonic devices (from near-UV up to LWIR frequency) via nano-imprint lithography of metal oxides (MOx-NIL) thus producing 3D patterns on flat and curved substrates. These hard dielectric materials are mechanically robust and are adapted to handle high power light sources. Beyond applications in photonics, these materials and 3D structures are also chemically stable and have been efficiently exploited for biochips (e.g. DNA sequencing with flow-cells) leveraging the tuneable chemical affinity of the MOx materials.

SOLNIL has a strong expertise in sol-gel processing and nano-imprint lithography as well as access to a chemistry laboratory and clean-room processing (e-beam lithography, RIE and plasma etching, SEM, AFM, profilometry, optical microscopy and spectroscopy, ellipsometry, porosimetry, etc.). MOx-NIL technology from SOLNIL has proven sustainability advantages compared with conventional nano-patterning methods. Its stands as a viable and sustainable solution for high-quality nano-photonic devices and bio-chips.

The project’s ambition is to mature R&D and establish an EU-based nano-foundry for the production of photonic devices and/or bio-chips exploiting MOx-NIL. As such, SOLNIL is seeking to form consortia to develop original devices and/or processes using thin films and 3D nano-imprinted structures made of metal oxides. Depending on the target application, the company needs the presence of partners (corporate or academic) at work on simulations (e.g. inverse design, FDTD, machine learning), electronic devices (contact deposition, readout software, desing), laser optics (e.g. laser absorption, LIDT).

Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDRFR20240516022

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Data chiusura
Horizon Europe - EIC Pathfinder / EIC Transition Calls 2024
Unione Europea