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A Spanish Research Institute is looking for on-going consortia for specific topics within the following Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Topic: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
Thanks to these projects and other cooperation activities, this foundation has been able to assess and support successfully the development and implementation of adaptation measures to climate change. The institute has the ability to generate trustworthy future local climate change scenarios, based on 10 models and their 4 SSPs of the latest CMIP6.
The Research Centre looks for new opportunities for collaboration with consortia in need of a profile that could cover all climate-related topics, fundamental as a basis to generate nature-based solutions that could cover these CL6 Calls needs.
This entity has the means to perform such calculations with its downscaling methodology, which has been put into action and validated in several projects across the world. Being a cutting-edge tool, this statistical methodology needs way less resources and time than regular dynamical downscalings, and by using weather observations can introduce and reproduce with accuracy local characteristics of vital importance.
Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDRES20240111004
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