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Pubblicata la call Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Green Vehicles relativa alla Sfida per la Società 4 - Trasporti intelligenti, verdi e integrati di Horizon 2020.
Di seguito l'elenco dei topic:
Data apertura:3 dicembre 2019
Data chiusura: 28 aprile 2020
- LC-GV-06-2020 (IA): Advanced light materials and their production processes for automotive applications
- LC-GV-07-2020 (IA): Reducing the environmental impact of hybrid light duty vehicles
- LC-GV-08-2020 (IA): Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use
- LC-GV-09-2020 (CSA): Setting up a common European research and innovation strategy for the future of road transport
Data apertura: 4 dicembre 2018
Data chiusura: 25 aprile 2019
- LC-GV-03-2019: User centric charging infrastructure
- LC-GV-04-2019: Low-emissions propulsion for long-distance trucks and coaches
- LC-GV-05-2019: InCo flagship on “Urban mobility and sustainable electrification in large urban areas in developing and emerging economies”
Data apertura: 31 ottobre 2017
Data chiusura: 4 aprile 2018
- LC-GV-01-2018: Integrated, brand-independent architectures, components and systems for next generation electrified vehicles optimised for the infrastructure
- LC-GV-02-2018: Virtual product development and production of all types of electrified vehicles and components
Per la descrizione completa dei topic, fare riferimento al documento ufficiale Work Programme 2018-2020 - Smart, green and integrated transport.
56 milioni per il 2018; 78 milioni per il 2019 e 55 milioni per il 2020