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A Bulgarian academic institution is preparing a project proposal on a H2020 Topic: Open-innovation Platform strengthening cooperation and joint development of bio-based industries and downstream sectors. The team seeks coordinator and partners (R&D institutions and companies) involved in bio-based products development and downstream application in order to develop of new solutions suited to the markets current and future needs.

  • Type and role of partners sought: a lead partner (coordinator) and project members representing research and academic institutions related to bio-based products development and downstream application with the intention to develop a favorable environment for new solutions suited to the markets current and future needs and industry leaders companies involved in the bio-based sector (including packaging, automotive, construction, textile, personal care and cosmetics and connected sectors)


Per ulteriori informazioni finalizzate ad attivare una partnership, segnaliamo che è possibile:

  • scrivere all'indirizzo e-mail simpler@aster.it, se localizzati nella regione Emilia-Romagna
  • individuare l'ente di riferimento per la propria regione sul sito ufficiale di Enterprise Europe Network, se localizzati in altre regioni d'Italia riportando, in ogni caso, il codice: RDBG20160725001
Termine di validità della ricerca partner
Data chiusura
Unione Europea
Quadro di finanziamento