The development and implementation of a ticketing system (in particular in the case of large transport systems) requires a substantial effort in the testing and certification of the complete system which must be tested in different circumstances including changes in stations, configurations, intelligent cards used and the different options offered to users to interact with the system. The system test plans contain hundreds to thousands tests, every test requiring before its execution the manual adjustment of a substantial amount of parameters as the ones mentioned above. The adjustment of most parameters demands manual human intervention making the certification of the ticketing system very costly. Moreover, the need to recertify the system when unavoidable software modifications are implemented, requires the test plan to be executed multiple times for every implementation increasing even further the testing cost.
The goal of this project is to drastically reduce the amount of human labour needed to test ticketing systems, especially in intricate setups like railway transport systems and other large-scale, complex implementations. To achieve this goal the project will carry out the following activities:
- Specification of the whole automatic testing system with identification of the elements requiring human intervention that must be replaced by an implementation which can be operated autonomously. The elements identified will be software modules but also hardware elements capable to simulate some human operations such as the approach and removal of a card to/from a card reader.
- Specification of a standard protocol to interact with the ticketing equipment provided by different manufacturers.
- Development and implementation of the basic building blocks of the automatic testing system in particular: the software test framework to be deployed in a central server to control the full process automation; the emulator equipment for specific manual human operations such as the reload of the configuration to the card under test, the approach and removal of the card to/from the card readers and other human interactions demanded by the ticketing system.
- Proof of concept of the whole approach by deploying the test system developed in a representative installation including the evaluation of the key performance indicators of the technical and business advantages obtained.
Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDRES20240801001
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