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The greatest gains to be made from the creation of a Digital Single Market lie not in the tech sector itself but in the adoption of advanced digital technologies by the rest of the economy. Applying the latest digital tools and new business models in all sectors will boost productivity and efficiency, and make companies and public organisations more competitive and entrepreneurial. At the same time European industry is facing a considerable lack of a trained and highly skilled workforce with thousands of unfilled digital jobs available today throughout all industry sectors.

This conference is hosted under the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union and will gather EU policy makers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, ICT practitioners and young people in a fresh and interactive format including practical demonstrations, panel discussions and informal networking opportunities.

The conference will cover the following areas:

  • The digital skills mismatches between demand and supply and possible solutions to reduce the e-skills gap
  • The digital transformation of industry
  • Education and training systems that are adopting digital technology to make both teaching and learning more effective and relevant

eSkills for Jobs 2015 - 2016, part of the EU eSkills strategy, is a major cross sector, multi-stakeholder campaign from the European Commission, involving hundreds of pan-European and national organisations across Europe including companies, associations, education and training bodies and NGOs.

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Data dell'evento
Unione Europea